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Welcome to the Friends of Avisford Patient Participation Group Website

Who are the Friends of the Avisford Medical Group?

Founded in 1998 the Friends were formed to raise funds to enable the Avisford Medical Group to buy equipment either not provided by the NHS or additional equipment that would improve patient care and outcomes.

The Friends continue to do fundraising and are the Avisford Medical Group’s Patient Participation Group (PPG). Every GP Practice is required by its contract with the NHS to have a PPG.

The PPG acts as the liaison between the patients and our Practice and with the Primary Care Network of six local GP practices that has an oversight of delivery of primary care on behalf of Sussex Healthcare. We also make a contribution to healthcare both locally and nationally through engagement with Sussex Healthcare and the National Association of Patient Participation Groups. We also produce newsletters, help with ‘flu and other clinics and arrange speakers on popular health topics.

What is in it for me?

The PPG is your voice in the delivery of primary healthcare to you and your family. So, we need to hear from you about your experiences of the care you receive from our Practice. We do want to know you views, particular about the effectiveness of services and anything that you feel might be done better or in a different way. Primary Care Networks are particularly keen to have patient feedback from us.

However, we do not deal with individual patient complaints – the Practice deals with these. 

What can I do to help?

  • Give us your feedback on services – don’t forget to fill in the Friends and Family Test forms in the surgery after your visit.
  • Share your thoughts and ideas with us!
  • Offer to help – for example, running the book sales at Yapton and Middleton and at the meetings we organise.
  • With other fundraising activities – we fundraise to support the surgery to have the best equipment for all our benefit.
  • By offering to be on the Management Committee.

The Friends of Avisford Medical Group is a registered Charity (No.1074882) which is overseen by an elected Management Committee.

Our main objectives are:-

  • To represent the views and concerns of patients both within the Group and more widely.
  • To advance the education of the public in health care by providing lectures, forums and other educational activities and the publication of a newsletter devoted to health care.
  • To relieve suffering by the provision of funds for the purchase of medical and other equipment and services for Avisford Medical Group and the community, not normally provided by the local health Authority.
  • To engage in activities, which further the other objectives and contribute to the health and well being of Avisford Medical Group patients and the wider community.

All patients registered at Avisford Medical Group (Middleton-on-Sea and Yapton) are automatically entitled to be members of this Patient Participation Group. We will also keep you up to date our latest news page.

Above all the management committee is there to represent your views and concerns about the service being provided by the surgeries and as such we welcome your suggestions and comments. Please contact us on our direct email address

We are represented nationally by the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP).